Whether it’s due to a busy season of life, an injury, or gym closures, sometimes it can be challenging to stay consistent with our existing workout routines. Unfortunately, when people go back to physical activities after a prolonged break, they often over-exert themselves and get injured.

It can be difficult to accept that your fitness level is not where it was only a few months ago. However, it’s important to take it back down to square one to avoid injuries when returning to activity. Here are some tips to help you and your body slowly ease back into exercise while minimizing injury risk.

Slow And Steady

If you have not been as active or have not been able to train at your usual intensity, it’s only natural that your fitness level is not what it once was. You need to accept this and avoid training too hard too soon. Overtraining can lead to an injury and even cause a regression backward. The last thing you want is to be so sore the next day that you can’t work out again for another week!

Start With Building Flexibility

Flexibility is often overlooked in fitness, but it is essential for injury prevention. We recommend incorporating flexibility workouts to promote blood flow and improve range of motion and joint mobility. Establishing a flexibility routine early on will help your body adjust to the new demands of working out.

Don’t Skip Rest Days

While you might feel incredibly motivated to get back into training again, it’s important not to overlook rest and recovery. You may even find yourself needing more rest time now than before as your body slowly reacclimates to physical activity.

Consistency Over Intensity

Unfortunately, motivation can only take us so far when it comes to staying active. Building consistency and good fitness habits are safer and lead to better results than periodic but intense workouts.

Check-In with A Physiotherapist

As experts in optimal body movement and function, physiotherapists can establish an individualized routine that will help you ease back into regular exercise. They will also identify and address any incorrect movement patterns to minimize injury risk. If you’re going back into training after an injury, a physiotherapist can help you regain strength and mobility while preventing re-injury.

Don’t leave your health to guesswork. Our team of experienced physiotherapists at Core Physical Care can help you get back on track safely. Call today to learn more about our Active Therapy and Individual conditioning in-home and on-location sessions.